Meet Molly
We adopted her when she was 8 weeks old and she has bonded with my family since day one. She is now a very active 3 year old black and white tabby. My youngest son was two when we got her has the strongest bond out of my boys. He forced his love on her by carrying her around the house the first year. And now she sleeps with him often and cuddles up with him. My wife has gone through chemotherapy this last year and has gone through numerous procedures, biopsies and treatments and through it all, Molly was there to curl up and recover with my wife. And after chemo when she was sick, Molly could sense it and that’s when she attached herself to Holly the most. Didn’t matter if she stayed in bed for 24 hours and for a week straight after chemo. Molly was right by her side. She is a member of our family and is loved by all. She is still very active and even with her mass in her mouth, is bringing us mice in the middle of the night to show off to us. We have a cat door and she has access in and out all day. She loves to hang out and sunbath in her backyard, she doesn’t go far. She got slapped around by a neighborhood cat when she was young, so now she stays in our yard with the protection of her dogs.
With my wife going through chemo the last 7 months and multiple surgeries she has been unable to work her normal hours. She is a hair stylist in Vacaville and has been unable to stand and do her normal job. I’ve still managed to make it work most weeks, but have had to take off several weeks through the last 9 months to care for Holly and my boys. Our finances are tight right now and we are still going through active treatments for my wife. We are managing bills at the moment, but this would put us over. This is an added strain that we just can’t take on right now, and it breaks my heart because Molly is such an amazing cat.
Funding would be the blessing that we could really use right now. I haven’t told my boys that there’s a possibility we might have to send their kitty to heaven, and with funding I wouldn’t have to have that conversation. Funding would mean lessening the burden of this acute problem. It would mean that Molly will be able to have a happy healthy life for years to come. Funding would mean that I wouldn’t have to stress out about coming up with thousands of dollars and it would take away the stress of applying for a care credit and having one more payment each month. With all the treatments this year another bill is the last thing my family needs on our plate. Any help would be a true blessing and would mean the world to my family. Thank you very much for what you do, I’m happy to have learned about your organization.