This all started 3 weeks ago, a day I’ll never forget.. Tyson started having urinary issues, licking himself and unable to urinate. I took him to the vet and found out he had a blockage, the vet was able to unblock him but informed me this is something that could happen again and he may need to have a speciality surgery (PU) to help prevent the inevitable. I knew the surgery was going to be pricey so I was starting to save up but 3 weeks later Tyson ended up in the ER with the same symptoms. Of course it was another blockage. I was devastated, low on funds & hurting for my baby boy. The ER informed me that he needed the PU surgery and he needed it now. I transferred him from the ER to a specialty care facility who would be performing the surgery. While heart broken and crying my eyes out I applied for SAVING GRACIE. Little did I know how quick and on it they were! I got a call from the facility my baby boy was at and they said Lisa from Saving Gracie called and paid for the surgery! Tyson had the surgery on Monday and is now home and recovering. We are FOREVER indebted to SAVING GRACIE. We are beyond thankful and feel so so blessed! Thank you so much for saving my baby boy’s life! (Will update again once he is fully recovered)
Much love,
Taylor & Tyson